Integrity Skincare Blog

Clear Skin Diet: Foods that bring acne relief

March 28, 2013 5:24 pm

Pimples and pustules and blackheads  … oh my!
What can be done if you have acne and want your skin to get clearer? Besides all the creams, pills, machines, and topicals, why not try eating your way toward clearer skin. Despite the fact that it’s been proven that genetics play a key factor in acne, watching what you eat may also improve skin quality tremendously.
There are now great studies being done that demonstrate how certain foods can help improve your skin. With this blog post we will dive into what we can do from the dinner table to improve your skin, reduce inflammation, and get healthy all in the same breath.
Some of the foods and nutrients that combat acneic skin include:
  • Whole Grains, Lean Meats, and Fiber    


The causes of acne are complicated but many issues related to problem skin center around inflammation and infection. Research has indicated that about 70 percent of the immune system relies on intestinal health. Australian researchers led by Neil Mann recruited 50 young subjects (age 15-25) with mild to moderate acne for a twelve-week study of the relationship between diet and acne. Half the group ate a typical Western diet, while the other half ate lean meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables and substituted whole grain bread, cereals and rice for refined foods. After twelve weeks, the acne of the group eating more protein, fiber,  lean meats, and whole grains “improved dramatically, by more than fifty percent”.

  • Antioxidants

Antioxidants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            If inflammation causes acne can we treat it with antioxidants? At least one recent study showed that acne-prone skin contained fewer antioxidants than healthy skin. The effect of antioxidant supplements on acne has also been studied and, for example, 30mg of zinc gluconate reduced inflammatory acne by 57% after 2 months. Other antioxidant supplements that have shown great promise are Selenium (for adults age 19 and older 100 – 200 micrograms per day), Chromium (found in apples, broccoli, corn on the cob and apples), and Vitamins A, B3, C, and E.


It seems like there’s no end to the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids (aka “the good fats”). And here’s one more for you: Omega-3s have been shown to control the production of leukotriene B4, a molecule that can cause inflammatory acne. To reap the benefits of the complexion-perfecting nutrient, pop a daily omega-3 supplement, and/or add foods like walnuts, avocados, flaxseed oil, and wild salmon into your diet.

Green tea                                                                                                      11285-green-tea-drink-materials                                                                                                                           

Virtually every article about the health effects of green tea talks about antioxidants. Green tea, like many brightly colored fruits and berries, contains large amounts of polyphenols, antioxidants found in plants that have a substantial amount of health benefits. Studies have shown that 2-3 cups of green tea per day helps improves most all of the causes of acne: inflammation, insulin, and hormones.

  • Omega 7 Fatty Acids

Sea Buckthorn Berries

Omega 7, found mainly in wild salmon, macadamia nuts, and my favorite, sea buckthorn oil, helps regulate fat and blood sugar metabolism with studies suggesting that it greatly improves the function of the cell membranes playing a role in inhibiting bacterial growth, while at the same time promoting tissue recovery. The presence of Omega 7, specifically sea buckthorn oil, in the daily diet has been shown to contribute significantly to improving acne and eczema.


Water creates healthy cells; simple as that. For skin cells to be healthy, look their best and slough off dead surface cells easier they need to be fully hydrated. So many people today “hydrate” themselves by drinking sodas, coffee, sugary “vitamin waters” and juice, leading our skin to be parched even when we don’t feel thirsty. The basic rule is to drink eight glasses of water per day. If you stick to that you’ll be keeping your skin well hydrated and may help reduce acne.

And Finally…

Research aside, you are the only one who knows the true relationship between your diet and skin problems. One more way to find out which foods could be causing your skin to be inflamed and unhealthy is to keep a food journal for a month charting what you ate each day and also how your skin looked. Then read over it and highlight your worst breakouts. Look back 72 hours and see if any patterns emerge food-wise.
Your skin is your largest organ; take good care of it by watching what you put into your body and your skin will no doubt improve. The medical estheticians at 360 Skin are here to help educate you, answer any questions you may have, and work with you toward a solution.

This post was written by Brandon