Integrity Skincare Blog

Do You Have To Look Your Age?

September 18, 2012 4:54 pm

Everyone gets older, there’s no avoiding that. And everyone looks older as they grow older, there’s no avoiding that either. However there are a number of things you can do to minimize the impact of growing old on both your skin, your looks, and your overall health. And some of these tips impact all of these together.


What are the factors that contribute to us looking older as we age?

There’s basically three things, and surprisingly, you genes aren’t one of them. Scientists have established that genetics have little impact on our looks or our general health as we age. Genetics certainly do impact specific medical conditions, but in regards to our overall looks and health… not so much.

So what are the three most important factors to how well we age?

1. Lifestyle.

Lifestyle plays an extremely important role in our overall health and our looks as we age; and of course the two go hand in hand. If we’re fit and healthy, then generally our skin will look better. If we’re in poor health, fat, and unfit then our skin will reflect that; our skin is a reflection of our health.

The first thing I should mention is that if you smoke, you MUST stop. That’s the number one lifestyle factor that is worst for your overall health and your skin health. People who smoke tend to have more wrinkles and other signs of aging skin than nonsmokers. Additionally, smoking dehydrates the skin and dry skin will always look thinner and more sallow/gray than healthy, moisturized skin.

Next, you must exercise. You don’t need to become a gold medal Olympian, but you do need to do at least some exercise each day. We tend to focus on the cardiovascular benefits of physical activity, but anything that promotes healthy circulation will also keep your skin healthy and vibrant. Exercise increases blood flow which carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells helping nourish skin cells and keep them vital. In addition to providing oxygen, blood flow helps carry away waste products, including free radicals.

2. Diet.

The foods that you should be eating to stay in good health are also good to your skin. Fruit and vegetables are high in all sorts of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants and are great for your skin. Pizzas, burgers and deep fried food not so much. SO what in general should you be looking for? That’s easy: Produce, Protein, Whole Grains, and Omega-3.

Produce: Piling your plate with fruits and vegetables is a no-brainer when it comes to weight loss – they’re low in calories, high in nutrients/fiber, and filling – but the latest studies show that they can also provide anti-aging benefits.

Berries of all hues are antioxidant-rich, which means they combat free radicals, molecules that cause widespread cell damage and are linked to chronic inflammation. Not the inflammation that occurs when you sprain your ankle, but the type that contributes to aging, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

3. Berries

They’re also chock-full of vitamin C, another potent antioxidant that helps keep your complexion looking smooth.

Another group is the leafy greens: spinach and other dark leafy greens like kale and seaweed. These veggies are prime sources of plant pigments that are rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that plays a role in reducing bone loss and will keep your skin looking fresh.

Beginner's Guide to Dark Leafy Greens, Part 1

Protein becomes even more critical starting in the 40s, when muscle mass begins to decline by up to 1 percent a year. That drop slows metabolism, which makes the pounds pile on more easily.

Experts recommend eating plenty of skinless chicken and turkey breast, lean beef and pork, eggs, beans, and seafood. And don’t forget protein-rich dairy: Minerals in low fat milk and yogurt help to keep blood pressure healthy and bones strong.

omega 3 fatty acids

The Omega-3 fats from fish act on an area of the brain that leads to improved mood and attitude. These improvements in outlook lead to you feeling healthier, more vigorous and improve your general state of optimism. The omega-3s in fatty fish like salmon and tuna have the most potent effects, but it’s smart to consume plant sources as well, like walnuts and flaxseed, too – especially if you’re not fond of fish.

Finally, whole grains: Whole wheat, steel cut oats, brown rice, and the bread, cereal, and the foods made from them can help you stay slim, in part, due to fiber’s role in appetite control. Whole grains also offer protection against diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and gum disease.

Whole Grains - Are they reall that wholesome?

3. A Good Skin Care Routine.

Even if you do all that above, you aren’t doing enough to ensure OPTIMUM skin health and looks. You’re certainly way in front of the general population, but it’s not the best you can do. If you’re interested in serious skin care then you need to use the best skin care products money can buy. That doesn’t mean the most expensive mind you, just the best, because in the skin care industry the best isn’t necessarily the most expensive.

Depending on your skin type, you’ll want to start your day with a quick spray of tepid water to the face. I generally encourage clients to wash their faces only at night with an appropriate cleanser; unless your skin is oily or acneic washing the days elemental debris off at night is just fine. If you have skin that tans well or is of a medium to darker pigment, I recommend the use of a skin lightener in the morning to even skin tone and texture (it’s not going to bleach your skin white).

Next make sure you use an SPF that contains zinc and titanium. Here in the studio I carry a great SPF that is also a moisturizer, so…two birds, one stone.

Of course there are other products to fix this and that but for the most part, that’s it, really.

At 360 Skin we offer a small, tight group of skincare products, hand selected for any skin type or skincare issue. We can easily put together a daily skin care regiment for you that’s doable and will definitely make your skin look and feel better then ever.

So there you go! Simple and in a nutshell. Simple, but maybe not easy. Giving up smoking isn’t easy, taking up exercise after a lifetime of no exercise isn’t easy. But if you follow these basic rules you will be amazed at how much better your skin looks, how much slower you appear to age and how much better you feel.

This post was written by Brandon