Integrity Skincare Blog

Summer’s Here! Frequently Asked Questions About Male Waxing and Body Hair Grooming

June 20, 2012 4:20 pm

I get more than my fair share of questions from men wanting to finally get rid of some body hair but are a little apprehensive. Naturally, everyone wants to look good and if you’ve been working out hard all Winter/Spring you want to show that awesome body off. Hiding it under a coat of hair isn’t the way to do it. Let’s look at two ways to look your best and how 360 Skin can help you do that:

Waxing has become increasingly popular among men from all walks of life due to the fact that the results last weeks, it’s quick, relatively painless (note the word relatively), and pretty easy. Most parts of the body can be waxed: back, chest, legs and more and more commonly the bikini/brazilian areas that include the sac, penis, and butt. What I want to do here is make sure that if you decided to try waxing it turns out to be a great experience.

Pain is one of the main reasons why men tend to avoid waxing. With your doctors approval, before your procedure you can take a couple of Tylenol (not aspirin as it can cause bleeding) to help ease the discomfort. The full-stop reality is that there will be some discomfort when it comes to removing hair from the follicle, but this pain can easily reduced both by the Esthetician and you.

Here at 360 Skin we prep the area by warming it to relax the follicle and allow it to come out fully much easier. Additionally, we use only top of the line waxes and waxing supplies for your service, unlike some studios who use less expensive “tree sap” waxes that can rip or tear at the skin, removing several layers of skin as well as hair.

Afterwards, we will make sure that all your newly naked follicles are clean and closed post-procedure to minimize any break outs, but you’ll also need to make sure to avoid strenuous exercise or steam rooms for at least 24 hours as well. Following your wax, there should be no discomfort. Redness can persist for a day or so with sensitive skin, but it will most likely be gone in a few hours.

Your clean, brilliantly hairless skin should stay looking great for 4-6 weeks (the general growth pattern of the hair). We recommend you get waxed every 6 weeks as it’s much easier and less painful to remove a young hair from the follicle.

Shaving and trimming on the other hand is a tried and true, completely painless way to get rid of unwanted hair quickly and efficiently. At 360 Skin we go out of our way to ensure that your procedure is relaxing and as quick as possible. All areas can either be trimmed to your grooming specifications or shaved completely. Many men choose to groom and trim their chest hair, while other areas (back, legs, genitals) are shaved partially or completely, but ultimately the decision is all yours.

We use the best products to ensure you have no break outs or ingrown hairs. Most products are warmed to guarantee the hair and follicle are lubricated and ready to get as close a shave as possible. As with waxing, we completely close up the follicle post-procedure to insure no break outs or bumps.

With shaving (unlike waxing) the hair begins to grow back immediately so many men choose to be shaved every 2-3 weeks to ensure clean, hair free skin.

Here at 360 Skin we’re happy to help you with any of these procedures to make sure you look your best. It’s all quick, easy, relatively pain-free (for the most part) and you’ll leave looking and feeling better than ever. Summer is here so get out and enjoy it!


This post was written by Brandon